Real Personal Service

Real Personal Service

On our last visit to London my wife and I stayed at the Magna Hotel. The Magna used to be a favorite hotel of ours but we had not stayed there for over sixteen years. The hotel is famous for its service and we were not disappointed. "The porter will show you to your room," the receptionist said with a smile and we were shown to a room on the first floor. "This is our favorite room," I exclaimed. "I know sir," the porter said. "Yours is the room with a view, isn't it?" "That's right," I said. "You like milk in your tea in the morning and madam prefers lemon in hers." "That's right," my wife said. She pulled me by the sleeve with pleasure when the porter had gone. "Aren't they amazing? They remember our preferences after all these years. This is a real personal service!" The next morning at breakfast, we were given raspberry jam with our toast instead of orange marmalade. "Isn't there any marmalade?" I asked the waiter. "We never eat raspberry jam in the morning." "Sorry sir," the waiter said. "You ordered some for breakfast on your last visit and it's been in the computer memory ever since!"


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