Slice My Best Brother

When I was 5, my older brother had an accident and was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury, causing him can't feel anything in his lower body. He was a very good brother, even when he was sick he always show me a happy face, always trying to keep playing with me and it makes me happy. 

One thing that he does to make me not feel sad is he proudly says that his feet are numb and can't feel anything. He then challenged me to do anything to his feet until it could feel again.

Somehow I take it as a real challenge, a fun thing, and it kind a annoyed me at the same time. Since the first day he went home, we secretly do a lot of experiments with his feet, I punch it, slap it, tickle it with many stuff, put it in water, ice, nearby a fire/hot stuff, even bite some ants, spiders, cockroach and stinging a bee into it. 

Of course it leaves scars, but my brother said that he feels nothing. When someone asks about the marks, my brother always makes good excuses and then we both just giggled.

A couple of days passed, in one night, when we watch a movie together, my brother was fall asleep on the couch. At that time I still thought my brother was just pretending and always holding the pain/feelings cuz we always do the "experiment" when he awakes. 

So probably when he was asleep then I do something to his feet silently, he suddenly awake and I could caught him faking. At first, I just tickle it in a couple of times, and as long as my curiosity increased, out of nowhere, innocently I had an idea to slice my brother's feet with a knife. So quietly I go into the kitchen to grab a small knife, then slowly sliced it into my brother's sole feet. 

I stopped the cut in less than 2 inches slash wound, cuz I see deep red opened flesh and the blood comes out into my hand. I started panicking, I dropped the knife then ran into my mom's room and screamed that my brother's feet was bleeding. 

When my mom asked "What happened?", I was so scared and only said, "I don't know". After measuring I was okay, then see what was happening in my brother's feet, my mom quickly wrapped it with an emergency bandage, then take us both into the hospital.

Inside the car, my mom keep asking me what happened, and the only thing I can do is crying in my brother's arms. He was awake because of the noise that I made, then he saw his leg bleeding and immediately understand what was going on. I still remember that he just hug me and then tried to calm me down by saying that he is okay and he feel no pain. 

End of the story, I confessed about everything that actually happened, about the challenge and everything that we do to his feet. My mom just hug me and gave me an understanding about my brother's condition calmly in the front of the ICU room. In less than an hour the doctor came out and said if everything was handled and my brother can go home soon. 

My brother was able to stand, walk slowly, and slightly feel his feet again after six months of treatment. He was able to walk normally one year after and now were already become dads and he's still my best friend, best brother, and the best man figure that I've had in my whole life.

Short story about brotherhood, short story about family, short story about big brother, short story about little brother


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