The Wedding Honesty

Four days before my wedding, at my brother's birthday party, he did a speech to me that scared the hell out of me. He exposed all my darkest secrets about my past ex affair, my drugs and prostitution addiction which shocked everyone, especially my fiance. Even though she already knows the whole main story and understands that I will never do that bad behavior again, my brother explains the story in the next level of detail and kinda roast me.

After that party until I drove her into her parent's house, I tried to convince her if everything that my brother said was just a jokes and promise that I'd already become a better person. That time I realized that my fiance acted differently, she looks more quiet, avoided eye contact with me, and more careless to me. 

Right a day after that, when we supposed to prepare for our wedding together, she suddenly disappeared. I can't find her anywhere in her parent's house, in her best friend's house, in her workplace, and even in her favorite secret place. When I asked the family, her parent said if she was going to give an invitation to her best friends and they thought she was with me the whole time. At this moment I was very confused and devastated at the same time, I can't imagine my beautiful marriage with my beloved girl that I've dreamed of will be canceled. 

Although my brother was apologized to me and helped me to find my missing fiance, I still very upset and disappointed in him. Right a day after that, exactly 2 days before our wedding, my fiance contacted me and said if she want the wedding to be postponed by one week. She said she want to limit the contact with me and also needs more time to accept and process the whole situation. Out of fear and flustered, I could only fulfill her wishes. At that time, anything that I could do just prepared me for the worst-case scenario if my marriage will be failed. 

But luckily, a couple days later my fiance was willing to communicate with me again and her family asked me to tell the whole story. After I explain everything honestly about my past and how I was wannabe, exactly one week later our marriage was held and our happy new life is going well. 

Apparently, my brother was the one who explained everything in the first place to her family. To prove that I've become a good person, they made a deal to do a test of my honesty, if I lie about just one thing, even though it's just a small white lie, the whole marriage will be canceled.

Now our marriage has been happily going on for 10 years, I had 2 child, and still have good relations with my brothers too.


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