Why Indonesia Is Considered as Konoha?

Insight for the one who doesn't know what is Konoha Village, it was the main character village in the popular anime series 'Naruto (2000)', 'Naruto Shippuden (2007)', and 'Boruto-Naruto Next Generation (2017)'. The reason many Indonesians connect Konoha Village to Indonesia Is because of the similarity of the leader (president).

The conspiracy began in the early 2000s when people realized that in Konoha Village, all the first 4 Hokage (leader) were male and the 5th one was female (in order Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato, then Tsunade). Same as Indonesia, the first 4 president was male and the fifth one was female (in order Mr. Sukarno, Mr. Suharto, Mr. Habibie, Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, and then Mrs. Megawati). After knowing this, until now many people have started to connect all 7 presidents of Indonesia and 7 Hokage of Konoha by their background story.

The first president Mr. Soekarno was known as the founding father of Indonesia had a tough and strong personality same as Hashirama. The next one is Tobirama and Mr. Suharto, even though Mr. Suharto and Mr. Sukarno were not siblings like Hashirama and Tobirama, but both had similar names and he was helping Mr. Sukarno at the time of the formation of the Indonesia state. Same as Tobirama is helping her brother Hashirama when forming the Konoha village.

Next was the third president Mr. Habibie smilarity to Hiruzen, who both was known as the most underrated intelligent and hardworking individuals. And there was also Minato who was considered as the fourth president Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, who both was samely sacrificed themself for the better good of the village/nations.

The most similarity was from the 5th president Mrs. Megawati who is similar to Tsunade who both were the same close relation to the first president/Hokage. Megawati was the daughter of Sukarno and Tsunade was the granddaughter of Hashirama. The next one was the 6th president Mr. Susilo who was similar to Hatake Kakashi that was came from the military background and was a really strong-tough-ish individual.

The last one was the 7th president Mr. Jokowi similarity to Naruto, both came from an underground back story and must fight from zero to become a hero. Mr. Jokowi was also known as the most humble, down-to-earth, who loved to explore and jump straight into the field of rural areas. Mr. Jokowi is also known as a leader who actively maintained the relations between Indonesia and allied countries, the same happened to Naruto who was a hero who created peace between Konoha allied villages.

One more story comes from the president's election in 2019, Mr. Jokowi against Mr. Prabowo which has similarities to Naruto vs Sasuke who fight for the place of Hokage. Ended in Mr. Jokowi's victory then recruited Mr. Prabowo to become the Ministry of Defense. Similar to Naruto and Sasuke who become friends after the fight, Naruto becomes the Hokage then Sasuke decides to become a silent informant to help Naruto protect Konoha.

That's why when some Indonesians want to criticize the Indonesian government, many mention it with 'itu di negara Konoha // it was in Konoha country' as a satire-sarcasm way.


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