Bestfriend Money Journey

When I was in high school, I made a cash contribution between me and three of my best friends. We will gather our money into one bank account that each one of us can acces it. The use of the money is for urgent purposes only, or maybe in the future, we could use it to build a business together. 

When we graduated, our friendship started getting estranged because we had to go different path. Three of us including me went to college, each in a different region, and the other one chose to continue his family business.

I've never had any contact with them since then, because I was too focused on myself and I think they will do the same. I'd forgotten about the money because I didn't need it, I don't mind it as long they used it in the right way. I've had enough money for myself and I trust they will use the money properly. 

Long story short, I graduated from college, went back to my hometown, and got the job that I wanted. Not long after that I tried to contact one of them, the one that once closest to me. We contacted the remaining two and finally reunited. 

We share the story of our journey and what we've become. We've become better and can settle our own life. The one friend that doesn't go to college suddenly reminds us about the money that long ago we gather. 

He told us that one year after we went our separate ways, his company achieved huge success and he realized about our unused money. So that the money doesn't just idle, he put our money into his company investment. Apparently, the other two that go to college, just like me, they don't really need the money this whole time.

We've become close again, our friendship become stronger than before because we can easily reach each other, and about the money....... Even though the starting amount is not so large, after 3 years of investment, it's enough to cover some of our vacations every few months.

Short story about best friend, short story about friendship, short story about college, short story about work, short story about life, short story about growing up, short story about bromance, short story about succesfull, short story about investment


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