Shut The Good Things!

Each time we talked about couple of good thing that happened in our life between me and my best friend Rifki, not long after that, the bad opposite incident happened. For example when I talked about my phone that I really took good care and didn't get any scratches for more than a year. Right a second after that, for the first time, my phone slipped from my hand, fell to the ground, and it broke the tempered glass.

Each girl that we've dated then we talk to each other about how much we love her, not long after that, our relationship just broke up. Or when the Covid case was already down in late 2022, I'm just saying 'How lucky we are could survive the Covid period without getting sick even once'. Then Rifqi replied 'Yeah, it's probably because we have strong immunity'. 

Right on the next day, Rifqi told me that he feeling sick and the test show he's positive Omicron, same as me that feeling ill for the next day. We were both quarantined in just one week and could totally recovered.

The peak happens one time when we arrive at my house before the heavy rain falls, I'm just saying 'How lucky we are could arrived before the rain' Then Rifqi replied 'Yeah man.., so my car is still dry and clean.' A couple of hours after that, for the first time in history, our village was flooded 2 meters high. The rain causes the nearby dam to over capacity making the water overflow.

After that disaster, even though we survived and managed to secure the valuables in the high place so there is no loss of anything, my biggest cost is for the car repairment. Many other stories that happened between me and Rifqi, made us realize the unspeakable rules of 'don't talk about our good things in front of each other'

Short story about friendship, short story about covid, short story about Omicron, short story about best friend, short story aobut sick, short story about dissease, short story about quarantine, short story about life


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