Stay in The Same Position

When I was in college, I lived in an apartment with a lazy and introverted roommate. Contrary to my workaholic habits, he could spend the whole day doing nothing in the apart. 

Many times at the weekend, when I left the apart in the morning, I saw him sitting on the couch, and when I went back in the midnight, I saw him still in the same position. 

He's still with his laptop, wearing the same clothes, and beside him, there's a couple of piled dirty plates and a bottle of water. Which means that for a whole day he's doing nothing, he probably moved only to get some food and go into the bathroom. 

So asked him 'what are you doing this whole time man?' He just answered 'Im just playing games!'

Short story about roomate, short story about introvert, short story about ekstrovert, short story about college, short story about friendship, short story about lazyness.


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