Controversy Indonesian Government Apps Names

In the middle of 2024, there was an issue of the lack of performance of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Menkominfo) which is widely questioned by the public, there are several government applications with controversial names that have escaped the Menkominfo's monitoring. Some of them are :

'SIPEPEK' which is an anagram of 'Pelayanan Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan dan Jaminan Kesehatan' in Engish 'Poverty Alleviation and Health Insurance Program Services'. Wich pepek itself was a slang word to call women's genitals, 'sipepek' means more like 'thevagina'.

Another one is 'SITHOLE' an anagram of 'Sistem Informasi Konsultasi Hukum Online' in English 'Online Legal Consultation Information System'. It's pretty obvious that the name seems to be derived from the word 'shit hole'. 

There is also SIPEDO, an anagram of 'Sistem Pelatihan Berbasis Data Online' in English means 'Online Data-Based Training System'. Which is the word 'sipedo' itself means more like 'thepedo' leads to the word pedophilia.

More of them are SIMONTOK (Sistem Monitoring Stok//Stock Monitoring System) and SISEMOK (Sistem Informasi Organisasi Kemasyarakatan//Community Organization Information System), which both words 'montok' and 'semok' a slang words used to describe a sexy female body.

One more is the 'Jebol Ya Mas' anagram of 'Jemput Bola Layani Masyarakat' which in English means like online online-based health center pick-up service. The word 'jebol ya mas' itself has a negative connotation about first-time sexual intercourse.

The government that proposed this name said that over creative and unique in choosing its name is a form of marketing to make people easier to remember and notice the application. Most Indonesian netizens think that the name of those apps is inappropriate because it's sexist and misogynistic. 

Some IT experts have also spoken out that the name of the application is unethical and perfectly illustrates how corrupt Indonesia's government is. Nowadays most of those apps have been blocked and are no longer found on the Play Store.

news about Indonesia, news about indonesia's goverment, news about goverment, news about Indonesia's ministry, news abour weird Indonesia app's name, news about Indonesia government app.


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