Judge's Descendant

Because of his educational background, my dad became an authoritative person and trusted by many residents for his wisdom in solving a problem. I still remember when I was a child various conflicting people came to our house.

It started with a small problem like a restaurant that was confused about whether to give a straw to a cold or hot drink. It turned out that it was just a provocation from the husband who had a strange belief that cold drinks must use a straw while hot drinks do not use a straw.

Some people have arguments come to our home in a badly injured condition and even lose their organs. Oftenly there's a thief or someone who was considered to have committed a crime and asked to be judged by my dad. 

Dad's main job is the owner of the biggest local mall in my area. Because my area is still developing, the existence of large malls has not yet reached our area. From his salary while work in the city, my dad built a local mall under his name.

Long story short, I grew up with a pretty good education. I was even sent to a top high school outside the city. After I graduated, I expressed my desire to continue my dad's efforts in continuing the local mall business. 

Since I had been allowed to do whatever I wanted since I was a child, I thought that my parents must have wanted me to take an easier career path through the family's local mall business.

But unlike other parents who wanted their children to succeed on the same path as their parents, dad forbade me to continue the family mall business and even forbade me to work there. Instead, he told me to look for a job outside the city. 

Starting from my dad's subtle prohibition, and I continued to insist. Our dispute became more and more tense over more than a month because dad could not explain the reason for his refusal.

One time, after we had a big argument, dad confessed that he was afraid that I would become a traditional judge like him. He explained that his job caused many enemies from those who disagreed with his decisions.

Dad sometimes had difficulty in solving a very complex social problem and didn't want me to experience the same thing. That was also the reason why I was suddenly sent to an out-of-town high school because the local people would sooner or later will try to find a replacement for my dad.

Dad also felt guilty for making me have to witness the problems and conditions of various people, which he probably thought would traumatize me. Although I didn't feel traumatized, it was the memories of those people's problems that shaped my maturity.

Fortunately, at that time dad was willing to open a branch of his mall in the next town. My problem of becoming a judge in my hometown was resolved. Unfortunately, dad's reputation was widespread outside the city. Even though I was already running the family business out of town, I started to get several requests to solve people's problems that I couldn't avoid.

Because the place that I live in now is still the same rural city, now iv'e became the traditional judge's in my city

Short story about judge, short story about growing up, short story about life, short story about dad, short story about father, short story aobut traditional, short story about mall, short story about family, short story about relationship, short story about hometown, short story about business, short story about family business


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