Previous Winner Mirroring

When I became the winner of the stand-up comedy competition season 7, I went through a phase of identity crisis. Although I always tried to perform my best, I always felt that my performance was not my true self.

This was due to my insecurity which always mirrored by the previous winner. I felt that my performance as the new winner had to be like the previous winner where the comedy that was given had to be serious, meaningful, powerful, impactful, and delivered with a great personality.

I felt difficult in every performance for more than a year because it was like trying to be someone else and not following what my heart wanted. Until one moment there was an event where suddenly I was forced to do a sudden surprise stand-up performance.

At that time, in less than 10 minutes and with minimal research, I went straight on stage with absurd material and random comedy. Luckily many people liked my performance, many people laughed and it became my most memorable performance.

That's when I realized that I didn't have to follow other people's types of comedy and should just be myself. From then on, I changed my comedy to what I wanted even though some fans found it strange.

But as time went by, I became more and more comfortable with my new persona and gained my type of comedy audience that continues to grow until now.

Rigen Rakelna - Indonesian Stand-Up Comedian real-life story

Short story about life, short story aobut champion, short story about comedy, short story about stand up comedy, short story about performance, short story about surprise, short story about life experience, short story about winner, short story about insecurity, short story about life crissis, short story about personality, shoert story about personality crissis, short story about fans, real life short story


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