Mongol - Indonesian Standup Comedian Backstory

When I was 4, I don't know who was my biological parents, I lived with my grandma who I considered as my mom, and all the family member treats me like an outsider. I got some traits that a child shouldn't get. Nobody wanted to get close to me, I had no friends, often getting punched, kicked, yelled, and treated unfairly.

As an example, the other child in the family could have 3-time meals/freely and their parents fed them, they will give me food only when I ask for it.  The food that I can eat is only rice or boiled cassava, no other side dish. If I didn't ask for food, they won't give me anything. The communication between me and the family was very limited, we only talk shortly and speaks necessary.

I lived in the main house, they give me a room with only one single-sized bed and one cupboard. I have only one job to feed and clean up a chained woman in the warehouse. Granma told me to call the woman 'crazy woman', she explain if that's the punishment if someone in the family didn't follow the cultural family rules. The woman never said anything to me when I traits her, sometimes she only look at me with a very sad eyes. 

One morning, when I was entering the storage room, I found the woman was already lying on the ground and the color of her skin was already grey-blueish, her face was facing the door, and her eyes glared straight into me. I know something went wrong, I call Grandma immediately and then found out that she was already dead. I hear them, whispering about the eyes, and also something sounds like 'I think it's the time'.

Grandma then come to me and told me the truth about the chained woman who was actually my biological mother, she was punished for being apostate, betraying the family rules, and trying to run away. Grams also explained that I was part of my mom's disgrace that caused a burden to the family. She then asked me to close my mom's eyes because they tried many times, but no one in the family can do it. And it's true, I can close her eyes with only one gentle touch to her eyelids.

At that time, after having all of those experiences, I feel nothing, maybe because I was still 4, I didn't much understand what was going on, and I was getting used to being treated like that. I still remember just walking out the room, then playing with myself in the yard, and in a couple of days only watching the procession of the funeral from the distance. Another thing that I remember was the word from my Auntie "You must be strong"

But now I was 40, after everything I'd been through, I became a famous stand-up comedian that was rumored to have the most expensive fees in Indonesia and also became an actor in more than 35 movies. But sometimes in the middle of the night, I cried a lot just thinking about how painful my past life is.

Based on trues story from Mongol (Rony Imannuel) -Indonesian standup comedian


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