Not A Birthday Person

I'm not a birthday person, probably it's all because my family never celebrates it and we just realized if all of those things are just wasting money. We're not a financially poor family, we're comfortable and I believe my family can celebrate each one of our family member's birthday, but... when the day came, sometimes we just casually talked about it and then keep doing daily activities. 

Mostly we're not even talked about it and even on my birthday, as an introverted person, I think it is not a special day or something, it's just a normal day that no one could bother me about it. Somehow mindset that was formed in my head made me realize if you want to treat someone well, you better do it every day, every time, not just on one special day shit.

So I was never officially celebrated my birthday since I was born until now I'm 25 years old. Even my best friends who already understand me, when my birthday came they just act casually and not even talked about it. Although on the other side when my best friend was celebrating their birthday, I'm the one who was the most enthusiastic and participate in it. 

I understand the concept of it, I could have fun, greet, and give gifts at someone's birthday party, but I consciously didn't want it to happen in the same way to me. There was some point of time when my friends were trying to celebrate my birthday, but I just told them if I'm not getting used to this birthday concept shit, and they could understand. 

All of my best friends could understand the concept of 'if you want to treat me better, you should do it every day'. When my birthday comes, the best gift of my birthday is don't give me any gift, the best celebration of my birthday is don't even think about it, the best birthday greeting that you could do is don't even talked about it. I know if the majority of you think it was kind of sad, but now it became sort of my pride being genuine and I'm very happy with it. 

Short story aobut life, short story about birthday, short story sbour relationship, short story about family, short story about friendship, short story about introvert


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